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January 13, 2025 1003 am EST
Drinking water source protection - Textile certification body OEKO-TEX® sets new limit value for PFAS
Toxic materials pollute drinking water sources, above and below ground. Hazardous materials spills reported to state authorities are part of the set of water impacting factors depicted as they happen on the front page map. In addition to the spills covered here, watersheds are impacted by industrial discharges from federally regulated sites, as reported to the Toxic Release Inventory. Sampling is done at landfill test sites for leaching contaminants impacting groundwater. Industrial point-source discharges regulated by national and state discharge permits are known and expected sources of contamination loading the waterways of the state. Municipalities release treated wastewater with an accepted level of residual contaminants. Heavy rains flush untreated sewage into watersheds from combined sanitary and storm sewer storage. In CrimeBox, find the deliberate or negligent violations of the Clean Water Act. All of these factors, plotted in time-space within the watershed tell the story of water, our subject of interest.
Toxics shedding from consumer goods have been showing up in the wastewater for decades. Public awareness and a change in consumer behavior may be the shortest path to curbing the continued pollution of drinking water supplies.
Textile quality standards certifier OEKO-TEX® issued new standards for certification in 2024. "With the widespread use of PFAS and potential impact on human health and the environment, rapid adjustments are required. OEKO-TEX® has replaced the extractable organic fluorine (EOF) method with total fluorine. The new limit value of 100 mg/kg affects OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, ECO PASSPORT, LEATHER STANDARD and ORGANIC COTTON as of January 1, 2024. This update enables all OEKO-TEX® certifications to remain compliant with the U.S. regulations on PFAS."
OEKO-TEX® standards cover release of microplastics, and compliance with Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Program. Look for the OEKO-TEX® mark on new garments this year, support the higher environmental and health standards through your household wardrobing purchases.
See garment safety certifier Oeko-Tex statement on PFAS, here.
Streamflow Situation from the network of river monitors of the USGS throughout the watersheds of Georgia
A few instances of streamflows much above seasonal normal recorded in the northwest Monday, mostly normal for the season elsewhere. A single station is rated low again today, the Tobesofkee Dam near Macon spills over once a day raising the water level to normal for a period of four to five hours, the rest of the day the water level is rated extreme low, first percentile. No flooding or high flows are recorded at this time.
Mostly cloudy, 42 degrees at Warner Robins Air Force Base with A 50 percent chance of showers, mainly before 1pm, the high Monday around 46. Light rain, 43 degrees at Hunter US Army Airfield near Savannah, high 49 with a 50 percent chance of rain, mainly before 1pm.
Safe Drinking Water Advisories
EPA is due to release the new round of compliance stats this week or early next, check back here for the updated Serious Violator list. See the prior quarterly report, how Georgia's drinking water facilities SDWA compliance compares to Ohio, New York, Louisiana and California, here.
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