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January 18, 2025
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November 25, 2024 1012 am EST

Below normal streamflows in the northeast

Streamflow Situation from the network of the USGS monitoring stations in Georgia
Overcast in the north, 47 degrees heading up to a mostly sunny day with a high of 72 while streamflows in the northwest run seasonal normal water levels toward the Mississippi River. On the Atlantic draingage side of the state divide, water levels in the north run below seasonal normal. Central GA runs mainly seasonal normal, shifting up to above normal, 75th to 89th percentile in the south Gulf of Mexico drainage basin. Water levels are above 90th percentile, rated stations show up much above seasonal normal in the southeast. Streamflow gauges are recording normal to above seasonal normal in the north, mostly normal through central Georgia increasing in the south, most stations across the south running mubove seasonal water levech als. As of this report, none of the reference sites are observing flooding or high flows, and no extreme low flows are recorded. The drought map has expanded over the weekend, both areas rated below normal on the Atlantic side of the divide. New to the drought map this week, Upper Savannah River watershed joins St Marys River watershed in the south.

Hazardous Spill File
Muscogee County: Georgia EPD has received calls on the public complaints line of trucks coming and going from a gas terminal in Columbus. The file indicates a storm water pond has been drained, leaving a visible sheen behind. See the map to the right, pink tags indicate the location of hazardous spills reported to Georgia EPD.

See the Hazardous Spill File, here.
Register for the EPA National Pollution Prevention Training and Conference coming up in December, here.

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