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October 17, 2024 1008 am EDT
Drought ratings back in the northwest
Streamflow Situation from the network of USGS streamflow gauges in Georgia
The first indication of below normal moisture leading to a drought rating in over a month has crept into northwest Georgia in the lower Coosa River watershed, impacting central Walker, Chatooga, west Floyd and Polk Counties. Streamflows remain mostly normal in the north with an increasing number of below normal ratings, these are below 25th percentile. Central Georgia records mostly above seasonal normal, above the 75th percentile, while the southeast continues to flow at much above seasonal normal, 90th percentile and above.
All flooding has subsided in the monitored network of the USGS Georgia Water Science Center. Two disturbances in the Atlantic and North Caribbean are not amounting to much, rated low chance of forming any sort of organized storm pattern in the next 48 hours, 20%. The Atlantic disturbance is tagged with a 30% chance to develop over the next 7 days, more to follow.
As of this report there are no active floodings in the reference network, no extreme high or low flows and no extreme low flows of the 1st percentile.
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