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WT USA network flood update - Ohio River flooding
Altamaha and Savannah River flooding is over
Water news for Friday, April 5, 2024 1129 am EDT
Flood Tracker provisional data from USGS streamflow monitors
Ninety streamflow gauges record flooding in the USA Friday, up from one hundred and forty-six yesterday. WT tracks the nation's most common natural disaster dynamics through New York, Ohio, Georgia and Louisiana. As of this report we are watching 23 monitors indicating active flooding; 1 in New York, 2 in Georgia, 3 in Louisiana and 17 in Ohio.
New York State: Hudson River is still flooding near Poughkeepsie, five sites in Lower Hudson, Long Island and Ramapo River watershed are running above 99th percentile.
Current streamflow map for Ohio registers 17 monitored floodings Friday down from thirty-one yesterday. Tiffin, Auglaize, Blanchard and Sandusky River feeding Lake Erie are still flooding. Scioto River is flooding in the lower end and one station near the headwaters. Ohio River is flooding at Pike Island Lock and Dam, Hannibal, Marietta and Point Pleasant. Miami River and Mad River are no longer flooding, Muskingum River is no longer flooding however Wills Creek and Killbuck Creek tributaries are recording flood stage. Newark is in recovery mode as Raccoon Creek and Licking River branches are no longer flooding. USGS Water Sciences Center for Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio report crews have been out verifying the streamflow gauge readings through the worst of the flooding, staff wading in flooding creeks up to 800 cfs and even encountering hail to ensure the equipment is functioning as intended. More to follow.
In Louisiana, Calcasieu River is no longer flooding in Region 4 near Glenmora. In Region 1 northwest LA, Bayou Bodcau continues to run four feet over flood stage near Shreveport. Pearl River is still in flood stage near Bogalusa in Washington Parish, still flooding downstream Town of Pearl River in St. Tammany Parish.
Georgia, Day 30: Two flood events are recorded in Georgia Friday. Flint River has stopped flooding at Lovejoy, ending all flooding on the Gulf of Mexico side of the divide. On the Atlantic side of the drainage divide, Altamaha River and Savannah River are back inside their channels near Baxley and Cylo, respectively. Little Satilla River continues to run a shade over flood stage, looking to end the flood business near Offerman today. Satilla River is still a foot and a half over at Atkinson, looking to keep this flood event on the record for another day or two yet.
See black tags on the map for active flood, blue for high flow, 99th percentile or more.
USGS Provisional Data Statement
Data are provisional and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and received final approval. Current condition data relayed by satellite or other telemetry are automatically screened to not display improbable values until they can be verified.
Provisional data may be inaccurate due to instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site. Subsequent review based on field inspections and measurements may result in significant revisions to the data.
Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data or concerning other hydrologic data may be obtained from the USGS.
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